People long to be connected and are searching for authentic community. We’re wired for it as human beings. It is no surprise that one of the ways that we grow closer to God and become more deeply committed disciples of Jesus Christ is by being in community with others. We need a safe space to show up with our "true selves" and be real with one another.  

Life Groups at FUMC have grown out of a desire to deepen our ability to discern God’s activity in our world and also grow closer together as we grow as disciples. Groups meet twice a month at their own schedule and pattern at someone’s home or a restaurant and focus on three primary goals each session:

  1.  Helping each other discern and process how we have experienced God or God’s Kingdom breaking through.

2.  Helping each other respond in faithful living to those moments so that we grow as disciples.

3.  Committing to pray for one another in a very intentional manner.    

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