It is a real joy for us to meet new people and tell you about all the good things God is doing at FUMC-Rocky Mount. Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world; to know Christ and to make Christ known.
We want to journey with you and for you to journey with us as we all seek to follow Jesus and participate with God in changing the world.
Here's all you need to know before you show up
for your first Sunday morning gathering:
Come as you are! Whether you've been to church before or whether you've never set foot in a worship service, we welcome you as Jesus
welcomes us all--with open arms.
We want to journey with you and for you to journey with us as we all seek to follow Jesus and participate with God in changing the world.
Here's all you need to know before you show up
for your first Sunday morning gathering:
Come as you are! Whether you've been to church before or whether you've never set foot in a worship service, we welcome you as Jesus
welcomes us all--with open arms.
When we Meet
Sunday Mornings
9:00 am - OASIS in the Fellowship Hall
11:00 am - Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary
Holy Communion is celebrated every Sunday at both services.
11:00 am - Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary
Holy Communion is celebrated every Sunday at both services.
What To Expect At Our Services
9:00 Service - OASIS
The 9:00 am service takes place in our fellowship hall. This worship experience includes more contemporary music led by our music leader and band and is more informal in nature and structure. This energetic service is highlighted by the reading and preaching of God's Word, all integrated with songs to help people connect to Christ. Many people who do not feel as comfortable or have experience in a traditional church setting have found this service meaningful.
The 9:00 am service takes place in our fellowship hall. This worship experience includes more contemporary music led by our music leader and band and is more informal in nature and structure. This energetic service is highlighted by the reading and preaching of God's Word, all integrated with songs to help people connect to Christ. Many people who do not feel as comfortable or have experience in a traditional church setting have found this service meaningful.
11:00 Service - Traditional
The 11:00 am service takes place in our sanctuary. The clergy, choir, instrumental and vocal soloists, children’s choir, and occasionally our church orchestra and adult handbells lead hymns, liturgies, anthems and other acts of worship. The hymns and service music are primarily led using our Goulding and Wood pipe organ, as well as other instruments. We consider our 11:00 service to be reverent and highly liturgical, meaning our robed choir processes with our robed clergy each week led by the crucifer. Sermons, anthems and hymns center around a scriptural theme for the week--often a sermon series.
The 11:00 am service takes place in our sanctuary. The clergy, choir, instrumental and vocal soloists, children’s choir, and occasionally our church orchestra and adult handbells lead hymns, liturgies, anthems and other acts of worship. The hymns and service music are primarily led using our Goulding and Wood pipe organ, as well as other instruments. We consider our 11:00 service to be reverent and highly liturgical, meaning our robed choir processes with our robed clergy each week led by the crucifer. Sermons, anthems and hymns center around a scriptural theme for the week--often a sermon series.